...i am who i am.i do what makes me happy.i live for me.not u.u may not agree with me..but i'm not seeking your approval.i'm happy with all that i am...
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


huh..!!!!br blk dr interbiu kat MPKj nie...
Jawatan Penolong Juruaudit
perh..!!!x sangka tul...rmi gile yg di panggil utk interbiu tue...
ade 2 3 jwtn utk di isi..
tp utk jwtn aku tue..

nk pki nye..sorg je....kejam tul la....
agak tidak ade harapan di situ...hahaha...
insyaallah...klu rezeki aku dpt..alhamdulillah la...
tp klu x de rezki pun x pe...nk wat mcm mane kan..
bkn rezeki aku kot kat situ...

dan ari nie aku x pegi keje..aku ponteng...hahahha...
...kemalasan melanda...


zue_amin said...

muna ko nak cube try masuk UNITEN x??...
ko antar la resume kat HR UNITEN...aku dgr nak cari org lagi nie...

m!Sz haFeZa said...

aku da anta pun...hahahha...
dalam tempoh 6 bulan die bg jwpn...adoi..~~~