...i am who i am.i do what makes me happy.i live for me.not u.u may not agree with me..but i'm not seeking your approval.i'm happy with all that i am...
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


pnt nye...byk tul keje kat opis td...sepatut nye aku cuti ari nie..tp memikirkan keje berlambak tunggu kat opis tue..terpaksa la pegi jgk...penin pale aku kira OT staff2 kat opis tue...serabut pale aku...guling2 da mata tgk no...nie pun terpaksa bw blk umah..sbb nk cuti ari sabtu nie..nk g kenduri kawen kat nogori sembilan...nk kena settle cpt..lgpun 5 h/b gaji nk kuar da..kang x dpt cuti...x pasal2 je...n takut staff2 mogok kang gaji kuar lambat..hahaha...